
Japan’s Constitutional Revision 日本の憲法改正

Commentary by Dr. Majia Nadesan, Professor School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Arizona State University
(originally published May 2, 2016 on Majia’s Blog)
(reproduced on this blog with the author’s permission)
The U.S.-drafted Japanese Constitution has remained unaltered since its promulgation in November, 1946.[i] However, successive Japanese administrations have reinterpreted the Constitution to expand the nation’s “defense” capabilities across time. Complex dynamics drive these revisions, among them are (1) military-industrial interests and aspirations, (2) geo-political tensions with Russia, China and North Korea (including territorial disputes) and, relatedly, (3) the nature of the security relationship between Japan and the US institutionalized after World War II.
米国が起草した日本の憲法は1946年11月の発布以来変更は加えられてない。[i] しかし、歴代の日本政権は長年にわたって国家の「防衛」力を拡張すべく憲法の解釈を変えてきた。これらの変更には、複雑なダイナミズム、とりわけ、(1) 軍産複合体の利益と野望、(2) ロシア、中国および北朝鮮(含む領土紛争)との地政学的緊張、これらと関連して、(3) 第二次世界大戦以降制度化された日本と米国との安全保障関係の本質、が係わっている。
My comments focus on these specific factors driving efforts toward Constitutional revision and situate them within a resurgent Cold War context that precludes the global cooperation needed to address human-wrought exigencies. Accordingly, I argue that Japan’s Constitutional revisions must be understood in relation to efforts to preserve the global economic order established after Bretton Woods and reformed over the last thirty years by neoliberal and neomercantile strategies of expropriation.[ii]
In February of 2016, Shinzo Abe of the LDP made an explicit call to revise Article 9 of Japan’s Constitution based on a revised draft developed in April 2012.[iii] Article 9 under Chapter II “Renunciation of War” stipulates:
2016年2月、自由民主党の安倍晋三は、2012年4月に起案された改正案に基づき、日本国憲法第9条の改正を明白に求めた。[iii] 第2章(戦争の放棄)第9条は、次のように規定されている:
Article 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes. In order to accomplish the aim of he preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.[iv]
第九条 日本国民は、正義と秩序を基調とする国際平和を誠実に希求し、国権の発動たる戦争と、武力による威嚇又は武力の行使は、国際紛争を解決する手段としては、永久にこれを放棄する。前項の目的を達するため、陸海空軍その他の戦力は、これを保持しない。国の交戦権は、これを認めない。[iv]
According to The Japan Times (February 2016), the rationale for change was the existing contradiction between the wording of this renunciation on the one hand, and the real world existence of the Self-Defense Forces on the other hand[v]:
Abe told the House of Representatives Budget Committee that the Constitution was created during the U.S. Occupation after World War II and that “some parts do not fit into the current period.” “There is the view that (Japan should) address the situation in which 70 percent of constitutional scholars suspect the SDF is in violation of the Constitution,” he said. “Given the view that we should change this with our own hands, the LDP has announced a draft revised constitution.”[vi]
The Mainichi newspaper reported March 2, 2016 that Abe wants to modify the Constitution while in office, especially its “emergency provision”[vii]:
Abe did not specifically say which part of the Constitution he thinks should be revised. But he is believed to be seeking inclusion of a so-called “emergency provision” in the Constitution that would, for example, extend the terms of office of Diet members and strengthen the authority of a prime minister in case of emergency such as an attack by a foreign power or major disaster. Some scholars have pointed out the constitutional amendment is not necessary to deal with emergencies because specific legislation has been enacted to that end. The provision is also feared to heavily restrict people’s rights during contingencies.[viii]
Efforts to actually alter the Constitution haven’t yet materialized, but the Abe administration has officially re-interpreted it with security legislation enabling expanded deployment of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces. Two new security laws enacted in 2016 re-interpreted the Constitution to allow Tokyo to exercise its right to collective self-defense: “Two new security laws went into effect in March 2016 allowing Tokyo to “exercise its right to collective self-defense without breaking the Constitution.”[ix] The new laws allow expanded deployment of the Self-Defense Forces to support allies, especially through logistical support:実際に憲法を改正しようとする努力は未だ実っていないが、安倍政権は既に自衛隊の派遣を拡大することを可能にする安全法制の中で憲法の再解釈を正式に行った。2016年に施行された2つの新法により、東京は集団安全保障権を行使することができるように憲法の解釈を変更した。「2つの新しい安全保障法制は、2016年3月に施行され、東京は『憲法を改正することなく集団的自衛権を行使できる』ことを可能にした。」[ix] 新法により、自衛隊は同盟国の支援、特に兵站面での支援のために派遣できるようになった:
With the enforcement of the legislation, Japan will be allowed to exercise the right to collective self-defense, which has not so far been permitted as it is regarded as the use of force banned under the war-renouncing Constitution. The legislation will also enable Japan to extend logistic support for foreign militaries and expand the scope of the Self-Defense Forces (SDF)’s United Nations-backed peacekeeping activities.[x]
However, the laws limit SDF deployments to particular circumstances, as illustrated by the need to defend an ally when failure to act could jeopardize Japan’s security. Japan’s Defense Minister General Nakatani told journalists his forces won’t be deployed soon for military exercises or peacekeeping operations because rules of engagement for Japanese troops to respond to armed attacks have not yet been formalized, as reported here by The Japan Times March 29, 2016:
しかし、法律は、行動しなかった場合には日本の安全保障を脅かす恐れがある時に限り同盟国を防御する必要性がある特定の状況にのみ自衛隊を派遣することができるとする。ジャパン・タイムズ紙の2016年3月29日号によると、中谷防衛大臣は記者に対して、日本の部隊が武装攻撃にどのように対処するかに関する交戦規定(rules of engagement:ROE)がまだ決まっていないので、直ぐに自衛隊が軍事演習や平和維持活動に派遣されることはないだろうと述べた:
The laws allow SDF personnel on PKO missions to rescue civilians, such as those working for nongovernmental organizations, and assist soldiers of foreign militaries who are in danger.
The SDF is expected to engage in such operations in South Sudan, where Japanese troops have been serving six-month rotations with the United Nations Missions in Sudan (UNMISS) since 2012.[xi]
The new security laws were promoted as improving the US-Japan alliance, but were looked upon with concern by anti-war advocates in Japan and by Japan’s neighbors, especially China.
Many observers see the new security legislation as serving a US-sponsored agenda. The Mainichi reported that Japan’s SDF had allegedly promised US Department of Energy Secretary Poneman that new security legislation would pass by summer of 2015 in a secret document[xii]:
Defense Ministry denies document suggesting SDF promised security legislation to U.S. 2015. The Mainichi, September 8, 2015, http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20150908p2a00m0na004000c.html
The Defense Ministry denied the document’s existence. But there is no denying that the security legislation enacted in 2016 enables Japan to provide additional military-logistical support to its closest ally, the US.
The new security legislation was controversial within Japan and across the region, particularly among those who are wary of the “gradual transformation of the Self-Defense forces,”[xiii] as described here by The Japan Times:
Marking a historic change in Japan’s pacifist postwar defense posture, two contentious security laws took effect Tuesday that will allow Tokyo to exercise its right to collective self-defense without breaking the Constitution… Many of those opposed to the changes have called the new laws “war legislation,” fearing the nation will either enter, or be dragged into, military conflicts that are not of its making. The laws are sure to unnerve neighbors like China, which has increasingly been alarmed by the gradual transformation of the Self-Defense Forces, which are poised to play bigger roles in East and Southeast Asia.[xiv]
As noted here, critics of the laws within Japan describe them as “war legislation.” Many Japanese citizens find the laws to be unconstitutional, with polling disputes over exact levels of support.[xv] In April 2016, over 500 Japanese citizens filed a lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court suing the government over the security legislation because it allegedly violates Article 9 of the Constitution and “threatens their constitutional right to live in peace.”[xvi] A separate lawsuit was also filed by over 200 citizens with the Iwaki branch of the Fukushima District Court alleging the legislation is unconstitutional. A third lawsuit involving over 1,500 citizens is expected to be filed over the summer making similar allegations. The degree of civic activism against the new security laws indicates that the LDP faces stiff opposition to efforts to altering the Constitution directly; in this context, re-interpretation offered a run-around, but it may not stand up in court.
上述した通り、日本国内で本法を批判する人々は「戦争法」と表現する。多くの日本人は本法を、世論調査によれば、憲法違反だと考えている。[xv] 2016年4月、500名を超える市民が、本法が憲法9条に違反しており、「自分たちが平和に暮らす憲法上の権利を脅威にさらしている」として日本政府を訴える訴訟を東京地裁に提起した。[xvi] 別の訴訟が200名を超える原告団から福島地裁いわき支部に本法は違憲だとして、この夏、提訴される予定である。三番目の訴訟は、1500名超の市民により同様の訴因で提起される見込みである。新しい安全保障法に反対る市民の活動の度合いは、自民党が憲法改定を直接行うことに対しては強い反対に直面することを示唆している。その意味で、解釈の変更はごまかしであり、法廷では説得力はない。
Additionally, the LDP administration has re-interpreted the Constitution to allow nuclear weapons, while simultaneously specifying that Japan retains commitment to the three principles of nuclear non-proliferation. Developments in constitutional re-interpretation of nuclear weapons are being followed closely by the Japanese media, as illustrated here in two accounts, the first in The Japan Times date March 19, 2016:
Constitution does not specifically ban Japan’s use of nuclear weapons: Cabinet official. 2016. JIJI Mar 19, 2016 http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/03/19/national/politics-diplomacy/constitution-not-specifically-ban-japans-use-nuclear-weapons-cabinet-official/#.Vu8df-aYJmw
Japan’s Constitution does not necessarily ban the use of nuclear weapons, Yusuke Yokobatake, director-general of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, said Friday. “We don’t think that the use of all kinds of nuclear weapons is prohibited under the Constitution,” the head of the constitutional watchdog told the House of Councilors’ Budget Committee in response to a question from Shinkun Haku of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan. But “the use of weapons, not just nuclear arms, is restricted under domestic and international laws,” Yokobatake also said, adding that the use of nuclear weapons by Japan is unrealistic.[xvii]
『日本の憲法は必づしも核兵器を禁止していない、と内閣法制局長官の横畠裕介は金曜日に語った。「我々は、すべての核兵器が憲法のもとで禁じられているとは考えていない」と、衆議院予算委員会で、この憲法の番人は、野党である民主党の白 眞勲(はく しんくん)議員の質問に答えてこう語った。しかし横畠は、「武器の使用は、核兵器に限らず、国内および国際法に照らして制限されている」と述べ、加えて、日本の核兵器使用は現実的でないと語った。』[xvii]
The second article, dated April 2, 2016, addresses a written statement by the Cabinet to opposition lawmakers regarding the status of nuclear weapons. The Abe administration specified in the statement that Article 9 doesn’t actually ban possession of nuclear weapons:
Abe Cabinet says Article 9 does not ban possessing, using N-weapons. 2016. The Asahi Shimbun, April 2, 2016, http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201604020026.html
The Abe Cabinet has decided that war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution does not necessarily ban Japan from possessing and using nuclear weapons. In an April 1 written answer to opposition lawmakers in the Diet, the Cabinet also says the government “firmly maintains a policy principle that it does not possess nuclear weapons of any type under the three non-nuclear principles…”[xviii]
The language reported by The Asahi Shimbun read: “Even if it involves nuclear weapons, the Constitution does not necessarily ban the possession of them as long as they are restricted to such a minimum necessary level.”[xix]
The Asahi Shimbun article above notes that the precedent for Abe’s revisionism can be traced to a statement to the Diet made in 1978 by Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda asserting that Article 9 doesn’t preclude possession of nuclear weapons so long as they are limited to the minimal level required for self-defense. Prime Minister Fukuda hedged his comment by stating that Japan’s national principle required commitment to the three non-nuclear principles introduced by Prime Minister Eisaku Sato in 1967.[xx]
The apparent contradiction between Japan’s stated willingness to interpret nuclear weapons as necessary for self-defense and a simultaneous commitment to nuclear non-proliferation is readily resolved when one considers Japan’s mastery of Just-In-Time production and the extent of Japan’s plutonium reserves[xxi] and the nation’s state-of the-art space and cybernetic technology.
Japan’s seemingly blind support of nuclear power after Fukushima and the recent earthquakes in Kyushu (over 1,000 recorded between April 14, 2016 and April 28, 2016 according to the Japan Meteorological Agency[xxii]), where Japan’s only operating civilian reactor is located, is rendered intelligible when one considers the close nexus that binds civilian nuclear energy with military applications. That nexus was made explicit in September of 2012 when Japan’s Minister of Defense, Satoshi Morimoto, asserted that “nuclear plants give us deterrent force.”[xxiii]
The fate of the Rokkasho plant illustrates the prioritization of the nuclear-security complex over other considerations. In December of 2012, two professors of geomorphology at Tokyo University announced that a 100 kilometer fault running directly under this plant was likely active, and could produce an 8-magnitude quake.[xxiv] The Rokkasho plant’s “recycling” facilities are highly dangerous and could result in very toxic releases in the wake of an earthquake.
六ケ所再処理工場の運命は、他の考慮に優先する核安全保障の優先性を明確に物語っている。2012年12月、東京大学の二人の地形学者が、この工場の直下にある長さ100キロメールにもおよぶ断層は活断層であり、マグニチュード8の地震が発生する可能性があると発表した。[xxiv] 六ケ所の「再生」設備は非常に危険であり、地震の発生により非常に毒性の強い排出物が発生るる可能性がある。
Japan’s power structures – governmental and industry – remain committed to nuclear power and the reprocessing of nuclear fuel despite the incredible risks made clear by the Fukushima disaster and the imminent risks posed by recently heightened geological activity in Kyushu, including major, shallow earthquakes.
Nuclear intransigence and efforts toward Constitutional revisionism in Japan are accompanied by suppression of press freedom. During an April, 2016 Tokyo press conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, U.N. Special Rapporteur David Kaye, reported finding “serious threats” to media independence in Japan.[xxv]
Associated Press. 2016. U.N. rights expert sees threats to Japanese press independence. The Asahi Shimbun, April 19, 2016, http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201604190063.html
U.N. Special Rapporteur David Kaye, finishing a weeklong visit to Japan in which he interviewed journalists and government officials, said many Japanese journalists were feeling pressured to avoid sensitive topics, and that some told of being sidelined because of complaints from politicians. “The independence of the press is facing serious threats--a weak system of legal protection, persistent government exploitation of a media lacking in professional solidarity,” Kaye told reporters at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club in Tokyo.[xxvi]
Kaye explained that journalists he interviewed reported newspapers delayed or suppressed stories critical of the government and retaliated against journalist coverage of Fukushima.
The rise of Japanese militancy and the attendant suppression of news media coincide with increasing global instabilities brought upon by military adventurism and competitively pitted economic zones.
Japan’s military-industrial complex stands to benefit from constitutional revisionism that removes pacifism.
In 2008, Japan passed the Aerospace Basic Law, which included a provision allowing development of space technology in relation to its “contribution to national security.”[xxvii] In 2011, Japan lifted its prohibition against producing advanced weapons for export.[xxviii] In 2012, Japan promoted the capabilities of its new missile defense system, deployed domestically and slated for export.[xxix] Japan reportedly spent $12 billion on the system, which was controversial when first proposed in 1993 due to the cost and potential adversarial impact on states in the region. The completed system includes 16 Patriot firing units. and four Aegis destroyers armed with ballistic-missile interceptors.[xxx]
2008年、日本は、「国家安全保障に寄与する」宇宙技術の開発を認める宇宙基本法を制定した。[xxvii] 2011年、輸出用の先進兵器の生産の禁止を強化した。[xxviii] 2012年には、新しいミサイル防衛システム能力を促進し、国内に配備するとともに輸出を計画した。[xxix] 日本は、1993年に最初に提案された際にはコストの高さと地域の国々へ敵対的インパクトもたらす可能性があることから反対されたこのシステムに、120億ドルを支出したと報じられている。システム全体には、16基のパトリオット発射装置と弾道ミサイル要撃機を搭載した4隻のイージス駆逐艦が含まれている。[xxx]
In April, 2014, in a context of rising geopolitical tensions, Japan revised its arms export policy,[xxxi] which dated to 1967.[xxxii] The revised export policy established the “Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology,”[xxxiii] which, according to a review in The Diplomat, “allows Japan to export arms after proposals go through a rigorous screening process to ensure that the sale would promote international peace and Japan’s security.”[xxxiv] The Diplomat cites Jeffrey Hornung, Fellow for Security and Foreign Affairs at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, who argued that by lifting the ban, Japan can lower the costs for domestic procurement (thereby providing a “stimulus” for Japan’s arms manufacturers), increase US cooperation, and “be a more active security partner to like-minded, i.e. status quo, states.”
2014年4月、地政学的緊張が高まる中、日本は、1967年に制定された[xxxii]武器輸出政策を変更した。[xxxi] この変更により「防衛装置および技術の移転の三原則」が確立され、ディプロマット紙の検証によれば、「当該販売申請が世界平和と日本の安全保障の促進に資するか否かの厳格な審査を経て、日本が武器を輸出することが可能になった」。同紙は、禁止の廃止により国内の調達コストを下げることができ(従って、国内の武器製造会社に刺激を与える)、米国の協力を増大し「現状維持国家から、より気持ちを同一にするアクティブなパートナーになる」とする笹川平和財団の安全保障・外交フェローのジェフリー・ホーナンの発言を引用する。
In other words, Japan hopes to stimulate its arms industry while reducing the financial burden of escalating its arms arsenal. This is an economic win-win for the Japanese and US military-industrial agendas and complexes.
Japan is importing more arms, as well as exporting them. In 2011, Japan purchased 42 of Lockheed Martin Corporation’s F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter planes to replace its Air Self-Defense Force’s 1960s-era F-4 jets.[xxxv]
The 2015 revision of the Japan-US Defense Cooperation Guidelines was arguably based on reinterpretation of Japan’s right to collective self-defense.[xxxvi] The Japan-US Defense Cooperation Guidelines were first formalized in 1979 and articulated conditions of cooperation between the US military and Japan’s Self-Defense Forces. Revised only twice, first in 1997 and then again in 2015, the current 24-page agreement promotes:
2015年の「日米防衛協力のための指針(ガイドライン)」の改定は、論議のある日本の集団自衛権の再解釈に基づくものであった。[xxxvi] 日米防衛協力ガイドラインは、1979年に初めて締結され、米軍と日本の自衛隊との協力条件を詳細に規定するものであった。僅か2回しか改定されておらず、最初の改定は1997年、次に2015年に、現在の24ページの合意がなされた:
  • seamless, robust, flexible, and effective bilateral responses;
  • 切れ目のない、力強い、柔軟かつ実効的な日米共同の対応
  • synergy across the two governments’ national security policies;
  • 日米両政府の国家安全保障政策間の相乗効果
  • a whole-of-government Alliance approach;
  • 政府一体となっての同盟としての取組
  • cooperation with regional and other partners, as well as international organizations; and
  • 地域の及び他のパートナ~並びに国際機関との協力
  • the global nature of the Japan-U.S. Alliance.[xxxvii]
  • 日米同盟のグローバルな性質[xxxvii]
The guidelines also stipulate establishment of a standing Alliance Coordination Mechanism to facilitate the two nation’s coordination and planning.[xxxviii] According to an analysis in The Diplomat published April 29, 2015, the new guidelines were vague about cooperation in “grayzones” concerning the extent of constitutionally allowable “defense” operations, but identified space and cybersecurity as two arenas with the greatest potential for cooperation.
ガイドラインはまた、二国間の調整と計画策定を促進する「同盟調整メカニズム」を策定することを明記した。[xxxviii] 2015年4月29日のディプロマット紙の分析によれば、新しいガイドラインは、「グレーゾーン」における協力については、憲法上の「自衛」がどこまで許されるかに関する配慮から、曖昧である。しかし、宇宙とサイバーセキュリティを、更なる協力ができる分野として特定した。
Reinterpretation of Japan’s logic of defense to include overseas bilateral deployments further erodes Japan’s pacifist Constitution and supports the US’s pre-emptive conception of security, articulated in 2001 by Vice President Dick Cheney as the one-percent doctrine.[xxxix] This doctrine of pre-emptive security has arguably engendered an “empire of disorder.”[xl]
日本の海外への二国共同派遣を含める防衛理論の再解釈は、さらに日本の平和憲法を蝕み、米国の安全保障の先制攻撃ドクトリンを支持するものだと、2001年にディック・チェイニー副大統領が1パーセント・ドクトリンとして詳述した。[xxxix] この先制攻撃安全保障ドクトリンは、「無秩序の帝国」を生み出したと論争を生んできた。[xl]
In 2011, Michael Klare described a “New Cold War” in Asia.[xli] In 2014, The Diplomat ran an article titled, “The New Cold War: China vs Japan.”[xlii] Japan’s territorial disputes over the ownership of islands with China and Russia illustrate regional tensions in this global cold war. The Senkaku Islands dispute with China involves eight islands and rocks in the East China Sea that are close to critical shipping lanes, important fishing areas, and (potential) oil and gas reserves.[xliii] Japan and Russia are contesting ownership of the Southern Kurils, although recent talks dispelled some of the tension between the nations that had been escalated by Japan’s boycott of Russia leveled in response to the Ukraine situation.[xliv]
2011年、マイケル・クレールは、アジアにおける「新冷戦」を詳述した。[xli] 2014年、ディプロマット紙は、「新冷戦:中国対日本」と題する記事を連載した。[xlii] 島嶼の領有権を巡る日本と中国・ロシアとの紛争が、グローバルな冷戦の地域的緊張を良く表しているとする。中国との尖閣諸島を巡る争いは、東シナ海に存在する8つの島と岩を含むものであるが、そこには極めて重要なシーレーンと、貴重な漁場と、(潜在的な)石油・ガスの埋蔵がある地域に近接している。[xliii] 日本とロシアは、ウクライナ問題に対して日本がロシアの制裁を強めてから高まっていた国家間の緊張は最近の対話により多少は緩和されていたとはいえ、南千島の領有をめぐり争っている。
The New Cold War has unique characteristics and geographic features that distinguish it from the old Cold War, but history rhymes as the US-Japan military-industrial nexus again stands pitted against Russia and China, with emerging powers aligning with the established power-blocks. For example, members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), founded in 1996, include China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Russia.[xlv] Observer states include Afghanistan, India, Iran, Mongolia, and Pakistan, although India and Pakistan began accession in 2015.[xlvi] The SCO has since 2009 sought to replace the US dollar reserve,[xlvii] ultimately seeking a “new super-national currency.”[xlviii]
新冷戦は、旧冷戦と区別される特異な性格と地理的特性を持っているが、米日の軍産複合体の連結が再びロシアと中国との対立を生んでいるという状況は、かつて新興勢力が既存の権力と連携するという歴史的な繰り返しが見られる。例えば、1996年に設立された上海協力機構(SCO)のメンバー国には、中国、カザフスタン、キルギスタン、タジキスタン、ウズベキスタンおよびロシアがある。[xlv] オブザーバー国として、アフガニスタン、インド、イラン、モンゴルおよびパキスタンがあるが、インドとパキスタンは2015年に加入手続きを開始したばかりだ。[xlvi] 上海協力機構(SCO)は、2009年以来、米ドル準備を置き換え、最終的には「新しい超国家通貨」の創設を目論んでいる。[xlviii]
Efforts to replace the US dollar reserve represent an explicit disavowal of the establishment economic order founded at Bretton Woods and honed by neoliberal reforms. The US-Japan security relationship was integral to the economic-military order established after Bretton Woods and hence the relationship will remain integral to those who seek to preserve the financial, technology, and military hegemonies established over the last seventy years.
Over course, the prospects of outright war over preserving US hegemony seem less probable when one considers the extent of economic integration that exists today as ownership globally is increasingly centralized in a relatively small group of transnational financial/insurance corporations and sovereign wealth funds.
That said, the current escalation of the arms race in Japan and in the US with its efforts to “modernize” its nuclear arsenal,[xlix] the ongoing crises in financial markets, and the ongoing de-stabilization of the Middle East[l] could create unexpected tipping points that could result in an Archduke Fernand moment.
Constitutional revisionism in Japan must be understood in this context of rising militancy and global discord. This path promises more global disorder, more displaced peoples and wasted resources, at a critical historical juncture known as the Anthropocene.
[i] Abe explicit in call for amendment to Constitution’s Article 9. 2016. The Japan Times, February 3, 2016, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/02/03/national/politics-diplomacy/abe-explicit-call-amendment-constitutions-article-9/#.Vu8b9uaYJmw
[ii] See Majia Nadesan. 2016. Crisis Communication, Liberal Democracy, and Ecological Sustainability: The Threat of Financial and Energy Complexes in the Twenty-First Century. Lexington.
[iii] Abe explicit in call for amendment to Constitution’s Article 9. 2016. The Japan Times, February 3, 2016, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/02/03/national/politics-diplomacy/abe-explicit-call-amendment-constitutions-article-9/#.Vu8b9uaYJmw
[iv] Prime Minister of Japan and his Cabinet. The Constitution of Japan, http://japan.kantei.go.jp/constitution_and_government_of_japan/constitution_e.html, accessed April 13, 2016.
[v] Abe explicit in call for amendment to Constitution’s Article 9. 2016. The Japan Times, February 3, 2016, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/02/03/national/politics-diplomacy/abe-explicit-call-amendment-constitutions-article-9/#.Vu8b9uaYJmw
[vi] Ibid.
[vii] Abe wants to amend Constitution “while in office.” 2016. The Mainichi, March 2, 2016, http://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20160302/p2g/00m/0fp/091000c
[viii] Abe wants to amend Constitution “while in office.” The Mainichi, March 2, 2016, http://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20160302/p2g/00m/0fp/091000c
[ix] Ayako Mie. 2016. Security Laws Usher in New Era for Pacifist Japan. The Japan Times, March 29, 2016, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/03/29/national/politics-diplomacy/japans-contentious-new-security-laws-take-effect-paving-way-collective-self-defense/#.Vvw_WnqYJmw
[x] Gov't decides to enforce security-related legislation on March 29. 2016. The Mainichi, March 22, 2016, http://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20160322/p2a/00m/0na/017000c
[xi] Ayako Mie. 2016. Security Laws Usher in New Era for Pacifist Japan. The Japan Times, March 29, 2016, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/03/29/national/politics-diplomacy/japans-contentious-new-security-laws-take-effect-paving-way-collective-self-defense/#.Vvw_WnqYJmw
[xii] Defense Ministry denies document suggesting SDF promised security legislation to U.S. 2015. The Mainichi, September 8, 2015, http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20150908p2a00m0na004000c.html
[xiii] Ayako Mie. 2016. “War legislation” raises regional, public fears amid lack of Diet opposition. The Japan Times, March 29, 2016, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/03/29/national/politics-diplomacy/japans-contentious-new-security-laws-take-effect-paving-way-collective-self-defense/#.Vvw_WnqYJmw
[xiv] Ayako Mie. 2016. “War legislation” raises regional, public fears amid lack of Diet opposition. The Japan Times, March 29, 2016, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/03/29/national/politics-diplomacy/japans-contentious-new-security-laws-take-effect-paving-way-collective-self-defense/#.Vvw_WnqYJmw
[xv] Ayako Mie. 2016. Security Laws Usher in New Era for Pacifist Japan. The Japan Times, March 29, 2016, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/03/29/national/politics-diplomacy/japans-contentious-new-security-laws-take-effect-paving-way-collective-self-defense/#.Vvw_WnqYJmw
[xvi] Odaka Chiba and Takuro Negishi. 2016. 700 sue Japan over security laws, additional suits planned. The Asahi Shimbun, April 27, 2016, http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201604270035.html
[xvii] Constitution does not specifically ban Japan’s use of nuclear weapons: Cabinet official. 2016. JIJI, March 19, 2016 http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/03/19/national/politics-diplomacy/constitution-not-specifically-ban-japans-use-nuclear-weapons-cabinet-official/#.Vu8df-aYJmw
[xviii] Abe Cabinet says Article 9 does not ban possessing, using N-weapons. 2016. The Asahi Shimbun, April 2, 2016 http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201604020026.html
[xix] Abe Cabinet says Article 9 does not ban possessing, using N-weapons. 2016. The Asahi Shimbun, April 2, 2016 http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201604020026.html
[xx] Abe Cabinet says Article 9 does not ban possessing, using N-weapons. 2016. The Asahi Shimbun, April 2, 2016 http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201604020026.html
[xxi] P. Williamson. 2012. Plutonium and Japan’s Nuclear Waste Problem: International Scientists Call for an End to Plutonium Reprocessing and Closing the Rokkasho Plant. The Asia-Pacific Journal, May 31, 2012, http://japanfocus.org/-Piers-_Williamson/3766.
[xxii] Number of earthquakes exceeds 1,000 in Kumamoto area. 2016. The Asahi Shimbun, April 28, 2016, http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201604280024.html
[xxiii] Japan Sees Nuclear Power Plants as Powerful “Deterrent” Against Foreign Attacks. 2012. Newstrack India, September 6, 2012, http://newstrackindia.com/newsdetails/2012/09/06/231-Japan-sees-nuclear-power-plants-as-powerful-deterrent-against-foreign-attacks.html
[xxiv] K. Hasegawa. 2012. Quake Risk at Japan Atomic Recycling Plant. Pys.Org, December 19, 2012, http://phys.org/news/2012-12-quake-japan-atomic-recycling-experts.html#jCp, date accessed 25 December 2012.
[xxv] Associated Press. 2016. U.N. rights expert sees threats to Japanese press independence. The Asahi Shimbun, April 19, 2016, http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201604190063.html
[xxvi] Associated Press. 2016. U.N. rights expert sees threats to Japanese press independence. The Asahi Shimbun, April 19, 2016, http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201604190063.html
[xxvii] Nuclear Law’s “National Security” Clause Must Be Dropped. 2012. The Asahi Shimbun, June 22, 2012, http://ajw.asahi.com/article/views/editorial/AJ201206220037
[xxviii] Chester Dawson. 2011. Japan Lifts Decades Long Ban on Export of Weapons. The Wall Street Journal, December 28, 2011: A8.
[xxix] Chester Dawson. 2012. Tokyo Shows Off its Missile Defense. The Wall Street Journal, December 8-9, 2012: A11.
[xxx] Chester Dawson. 2012. Tokyo Shows Off its Missile Defense. The Wall Street Journal, December 8-9, 2012: A11.
[xxxi] Titli Basu. 2016. Decoding Japan’s Security Discourse: Diverse Perspectives. India Quarterly, 72(1), 30-49. doi:10.1177/0974928415618753
[xxxii] Chester Dawson. 2012. Tokyo Shows Off its Missile Defense. The Wall Street Journal, December 8-9, 2012: A11.
[xxxiii] Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology http://www.mod.go.jp/e/pressrele/2014/140401_02.pdf
[xxxiv] Mina Pollman. 2015. The Trouble with Japan’s Defense Exports. The Diplomat, October 2, 2015, http://thediplomat.com/2015/10/the-truth-about-japans-defense-exports/
[xxxv] C. Dawson. 2011. Japan Lifts Decades Long Ban on Export of Weapons. The Wall Street Journal, December 28, 2011: A8.
[xxxvi] Titli Basu. 2016. Decoding Japan’s Security Discourse: Diverse Perspectives. India Quarterly, 72(1), 30-49. doi:10.1177/0974928415618753
[xxxvii] The Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation, April 27, 2015 http://www.mod.go.jp/e/d_act/anpo/pdf/shishin_20150427e.pdf
[xxxviii] Yuki Tatsumi. 2015. 4 Takeaways from the New US-Japan Defense Guidelines. The Diplomat, April 29, 2015, http://thediplomat.com/2015/04/4-takeaways-from-the-new-us-japan-defense-guidelines/
[xxxix] Ron Suskind. 2006. The One Percent Doctrine. New York: Simon and Shuster.
[xl] See Alain Joxe. 2002. Empire of Disorder. Trans. Anne Hodges. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e).
[xli] Michael Klare. Tomgram: Michael Klare, A New Cold War in Asia? TomDispatch, December 6, 2011, http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/175476/tomgram%3A_michael_klare,_a_new_cold_war_in_asia/
[xlii] Shannon Tiezzi. 2014. The New Cold War: China vs Japan. The Diplomat, January 25, 2014, http://thediplomat.com/2014/01/the-new-cold-war-china-vs-japan/
[xliii] How uninhabited islands soured China-Japan ties. 2014. BBC, November 10, 2014, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-11341139
[xliv] Vindu Mai Chotani. 2015. Can Japan and Russia Resolve Their Territorial Dispute? The Diplomat, October 5, 2015, http://thediplomat.com/2015/10/can-japan-and-russia-resolve-their-territorial-dispute/
[xlv] Main Page. 2015. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, last modified 2015, accessed July 16, 2015, http://www.sectsco.org/EN123/index.asp
[xlvi] Lidia Kelly, Denis Pinchuk, and Darya Korsunskaya. 2015. India, Pakistan to Join China, Russia in Security Group. Reuters, July 11, 2015, http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/07/11/china-russia-india-pak-sco-idINKCN0PK20520150711
[xlvii] Medvedev Calls for Use of National Currencies in Trade. 2009. Voice of Russia, June 16, 2009, http://ruvr.ru/main.php?lng=eng&q=46798&cid=215&p=16.06.2009
[xlviii] SCO, BRIC Urge Fairer World Order. 2009. Voice of Russia, June 17, 2009, June18, 2009, http://ruvr.ru/main.php?lng=eng&q=46845&cid=206&p=17.06.2009
[xlix] William Broad and David Sanger. 2016. Race for Latest Class of Nuclear Arms Threatens to Revive Cold War. The New York Times, April 16, 2016, http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/17/science/atom-bomb-nuclear-weapons-hgv-arms-race-russia-china.html?login=email&mtrref=undefined
[l] Charles Glass. 2016. Andrew Bacevich and America’s Long Misguided War to Control the Greater Middle East. The Intercept, April 23 2016, https://theintercept.com/2016/04/23/andrew-bacevich-and-americas-long-misguided-war-to-control-the-greater-middle-east/

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